Raccontare e' come far vivere agli altri i tuoi pensieri
a walk through the flower market this morning, a good excuse to observe people, things and colors... interesting the beauty of flowers so "effimera" (that last one day) and yet deeply touching. While walking around the market, thou, I was not focusing on the flowers, but more on the effect that hey had on the people, not only the happy clients roaming from one stand to another but even more to the sellers. I was asking myself, "how does it feel to work as a flower seller?" - those flowers so pretty for all those customers were in reality food and effors for the salesmen that spent the sunny day shouting "a fiver, only a fiver!"... one man in particular got mad because at the end of an entire day shouting no one (apparently) had wanted his flowers... it was funny to see that other sellers started helping him and convinced a few people to buy the old's man lilies... humans, I often wonder what drives them :-)

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